All services are provided via teletherapy. Teletherapy is a secure and convenient way to see your provider.
Empower Performance, LLC
Performance, Sport, and Mental Health Counseling
Fees and Insurance
Below is information regarding fees for a variety of services. It is important to note that I am not part of any health insurance network so payment will be via cash, cashier's check, money order, or credit card. No personal checks will be accepted. A receipt for services rendered can be provided, which you can submit to your insurance provider to request repayment.

Clinical Services Fees and Insurance
Empower Performance focuses on work with performers such as athletes; action sports athletes; medical providers; performing artists; and outdoor expeditioners. I am not part of any health insurance network
80-minute Initial Consultation - $200
50-minute Psychotherapy session - $175
I am not able to provide a sliding scale at this time.

Mental Performance Enhancement Fees
Most health insurance companies do not pay for Performance-focused services not considered Psychotherapy. I am not part of any health insurance network
80-minute Initial Performance Consultation - $200
50-minute individual performance-focused session - $175
I am not able to provide a sliding scale at this time.

Team and Group Performance Enhancement Fees
Fees for team and group performance enhancement with sport teams, outdoor expedition teams, medical teams, search and rescue, performing arts groups, corporate groups, etc will be negotiated based on services desired, time required, and location.

Presentations and Workshops
Fees for presentations to and workshops with sport teams, medical teams, performing arts groups, corporate groups, outdoor expedition teams, etc. will be negotiated based on services desired, time required, and location.