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Dr. Jennifer Gildner, CMPC

Empower Performance, LLC is a Performance and Mental Health practice based in Bellingham, Washington. Dr. Jennifer Gildner, owner of Empower Performance, is a Washington Licensed Counseling and Sport Psychologist who is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) and is an approved member of US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Mental Health Services.


Empowerment occurs when we transform intention to action. Dr. Gildner has spent more than a decade empowering demographically diverse performers including professional athletes, Olympic sport athletes, student-athletes, extreme/adrenaline/gravity athletes, dancers, actors, medical professionals, and outdoor adventurers toward improvements in performance and mental health. Whether you are looking for performance restoration, performance enhancement, mental health support, or a combination, Dr. Gildner works with individuals thirteen-years and older providing a confidential, safe, sometimes comfortable, sometimes uncomfortable, and challenging environment to explore issues impacting your performance and well-being.

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